"Weldon" is a procedurally generated roguelike for the Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Color developed in GB Studio. This is my entry in the 2021 7DRL. I'm aiming to see what's possible with game boy studio in terms of making a roguelike along the lines of Konami's classic Game Boy hidden gem "Cave Noire". 

In respect to Cave Noire I'm aiming to create an engine that will:

  • produce random-enough map generation to be novel on repeat plays
  • produce a scaling difficulty for repeat runs
  • provide a selectable combat or non-combat objective to individual runs
  • give players the decision to engage with enemies or not
  • enemies move when you move, and you can choose to wait

I'm changing up things by unlocking movement from a grid, making it play more like Superhot-meets-Link to the Past. 

I havent decided on combat yet, though it may involve some kind of diceroll mixed with golf meter type thing, we'll see how far I get this week.

Info for 7DRL:

Start time was 8 AM Saturday March 6th

I'm using some assets from an earlier project, and I did a bit of prep work to get my self setup with tools akin to those available in the python Rogue toolkits.

To my knowledge this project is 100% my own assets other than the text etc provided by GB Studio. I recently added fonts and UI borders from this excellent font package by Jeremy Oduber https://jeremyoduber.itch.io/fonts-for-gb-studio

I have submitted as of 7:45AM Saturday March 13th, check my post mortem devlog if you want to know how I feel I did in this years Jam, Thanks to the organizers again!


Weldon.gb 256 kB
WeldonV2.gb 256 kB
WeldonV31.gb 256 kB
WeldonV4.gb 256 kB
WeldonV5.gb 256 kB
Weldon7DRL.gb 256 kB

Install instructions

Weldon is designed to run on game boy hardware, drop on a flash cart or use bgb emulator

Development log


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hello je peux retravailler le projet ? 

Is there any release for the Analogue Pocket?

Any possibility of patching a rom for .Pocket?


Oops sorry for the delay! I will look into it i didnt realize pockets needed patched roms!

Not a problem! Thanks for the effort, I believe it can be exported as a .pocket in GBstudio 3.0, from what I've heard.

Lovely art, especially the surroundings.

I had similar problems with hit/miss mechanics, too.


Tell me about it, all day with this, i've added a bunch in todays update, thanks for stopping by!

(1 edit) (+1)

Maybe i misunderstood the game, but wouldn’t this be a full-on hit?

I noticed that there is a delay from when i press the A button to when the arrow stops.  Maybe this is just a visual glitch and the arrows are not actually aligned?

I am using Firefox 78.8 in Linux, if that matters.

indeed, fixes inbound!

It's quite short. Just one possible encounter. I don't see any procedural generation anywhere, though.

Yah like i said, i have basic procedural map gen working, things got slowed down a bit making the combat less boring and gussying up the art assets, hold tight the roguelike part is inbound

Did those updates ever happen?